
Maggie Says

Mommy, is it time for bed-night? This is her mash-up of 'bedtime' and 'night-night'. I know I should correct her, but it sounds so stinkin' cute that I let it go.


When going upstairs to get something from her room, Maggie will stop on the bottom step and look at me, hold up one finger and say, Mommy, I wool be wight back, okay? Okay? You stay dare. I wool be wight back. Once at the top, she proceeds to YELL down Mooom, I made it uuup! and when on her way back down I'll hear I comin' down now! She loves to yell at us from upstairs. I'm sure our wall-sharing neighbors love that.


I got ta get my face out'a my hay'ya! Maggie intended to say she needed to get her hair out of her face, but she is always saying it backwards.


I jus' yickin' my teef! She meant 'licking my lips' not 'licking my teeth'. This said in anticipation of the promised post-lunch cupcake.


Mommy, yeap me! This one took a second to figure out, but once I did, all I could do was laugh. She asked me to 'leap' her - to hold her under her arms, suspended in air, while she did a ballet jump pose (one leg straight forward, one leg bent, no pointed toes). She's happy for you to just stand there holding her indefinitely which at least gives my arms a small workout :) The girl is obsessed with ballet.

One of the songs Grandma sings to Maggie when she rocks her to sleep is 'Blessed Assurance'. Maggie knows all the words and likes to sing along but one morning she put a new twist on the second line. She had just arrived for her day with Grandma and grabbed up Puppy Brown Ears to play with (one of Aunt Erin's stuffed animals). They were walking back to get their swim suits on when Maggie said, "Puppy Bwown Ears wants a tas'e of glowy divine!" So Grandma cupped her hands and gave him a pretend taste. He was a greedly little guy though and needed about five handfuls!


Maggie was at Nana’s house in her new “big girl” bed preparing to nap. Nana was at hand in the rocking chair just to be sure all would be okay in the new bed. As usual at nap time, Maggie was talking and singing to her menagerie of stuffed animals. Nana walked over and said, “It’s time to go to sleep now, Maggie. Close your eyes and stop talking or I’ll have to put the animals in your toy box.” Silence. Then a little whisper: “Dumbo, you haf ta be quiet or Nana will put you in da toy box.”


As Grandma and Maggie were pulling into the driveway after preschool one day this week, Maggie announced, "Gwandma, we gotta spit!" A slightly startled Grandma replied, "What?" Maggie then explained that Daddy always spits when he gets out of the car, so they needed to spit, too. Isn't that just awesome?


Maggie has begun making up her own verbal expressions (for example, Grandma says "good gravy" and I often say "good grief"). Maggie's favorite is that's hot like a pickle. She also likes to say chickenfeet!


Maggie loves to come in the bathroom with me on Sunday mornings and 'put on makeup'. She has an old empty compact case and some brushes that are just hers, and she will sit on the potty lid, look in the compact mirror and meticulously apply her war paint. I say 'war paint' because, if colors were actually involved, the girl would look like someone out of 'Braveheart'. She's very serious about it though, and will walk in and tell me it's time to put my makeups.


Recently while at Grandma's house, Maggie and the Grands had donuts. When she was telling me about it later she said Gwanpa had a owed one *big sigh* because he's owed. Poor Grandpa and his 'old' (fashioned) donut :)