1. What's on the top of your holiday wish list and why?! A new camera. I haven't taken many pictures of Maggie since my camera went kaput at the end of October and it's driving me crazy.
2. What is your favorite Christmas gift from the past? Season tickets to the Shakespeare Festival back home in Montgomery. The best gift EVER.
3. If you had life to do over, what would you be when you grow up? A stay-at-home mommy. Or maybe a writer of some sort.
4. When do you put up your tree? Usually the Friday after Thanksgiving, but I have not been able to yet this year. Hubby and I are planning on dropping the Doodle at Grandma's tomorrow morning so we can work on getting that job accomplished.
5. What is your favorite Holiday? St. Patrick's Day. All the fun, no gift-buying stress :)