
Patient I Am Not

I have photos from Maggie's 1st Birthday Party to share with y'all. Tons of them. But I'm trying to be patient until I collect all images from all photographers (Nana and Grandma, specifically) so that I share the very best ones.

I know this will come as a shock to those of you who know me 'for real' (ha!) but I'm not the most patient person. Birthdays and Christmas are so hard for me because once I have something to give or share, I want to do.it.now. Do It Now!

So, here's a little preview, as it were. To tide y'all over and allow me to share.

'Cause I know y'all are waiting on pins and needles for them.

 We finally touched grass!!

Hangin' with Grandpa ... and running out of energy

The Happy Little Family

(By the way, I have never appreciated digital cameras more than this past year. Can you imagine the money we'd have spent on film?! Eegad!)