
Easter Sunday

He is alive! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

(from the 2010 Magnificat Lenten Companion)

Released from Anger

I was surprised when my brother said to me, "I remember you as an angry young man." Now that he mentioned it, I could recall. I was for ever out to defeat some enemy. Even after I had converted to the Church, I had moved from being an angry anti-Christian to being an angry Catholic. Whatever it was that drove this anger in me, I felt the need for it all just to fall away from me one day. I was with a group of other young Catholics, very aware and alert about the Church and cultural issues, but it was clear that they had no use for angry arguments. They were simply grateful. Why? I realized it all in a moment. They were grateful because he was there, there among us, and that was everything. They beauty of his presence was so evident that I could not feel threatened by any hapless opposition to it. I just wanted to say with compassion, "Come and see." The disciple who had first heard Jesus say, "Come and see" came to the tomb, saw, and believed. Easter. The power of this victory would from then on ever be a release from the need for fear and thus anger. He is risen. Nothing can threaten this. He has defeated the enemy, and not let us shout, "Alleluia, come and see!"

Reflection based on John 20:1-9
Father Vincent Nagle, F.S.C.B.

How many dark deeds I commit due to my deep,
secret fears, Father. May the glorious resurrection of your Son
free me from fear, and thus also from rage,
for he lives and reigns for ever and ever.