First, I just want to say that I Love Brownies. A lot. Which would explain my pants size. Anyhoo ... today's blog carnival theme over at Kelly's Korner is 'Favorite Dessert Recipe' and so, even though there are some very good and beautiful dessert recipes I could share, I have to go with brownies. They just warm my heart, and how could I deny public adulation for a treat that has given me such comfort :)
I'll be honest. I have not yet met a brownie I haven't liked, though I'm a bit a simplist where brownies are concerned. There are some very good brownies out there that add nuts or cream cheese or peanut butter or whathaveyou, and I will eat them up, no problem. However, when I have a choice, they are always just plain ole brownies. Nothing fancy. Just warm gooey deliciousness.
So, since I'm not too particular so long as it's a brownie (seriously, I'm happy with the box mix when in a brownie-needing pinch), I will share Hubby's favorite brownie recipe. This recipe is from his mom - I don't know where she got it from, but when Hubby hears 'brownies', these are what he expects! Enjoy!

Super Brownies
* 2 squares unsweetened chocolate (I like Baker's)
* 1/2 cup butter
* 1 cup sugar
* 2 eggs
* 1 teaspoon vanilla
* 3/4 cup flour (I like White Lily)
Place chocolate and butter in microwave safe bowl. Microwave at 75% Power one minute at a time, stirring after each minute, until creamy and blended. Add sugar and mix well. Temper eggs in separate bowl, then add to chocolate mixture. Add vanilla and mix well. Add flour and stir until well blended.
Pour batter into buttered 8x8 pan. Bake at 350 degrees for about 30 minutes.