Here's the Birthday Girl:

Isn't she adorable? I just love her red hair!
Maggie had a lovely time, and went relaxed in jean shorts and a cute top:

After the party, we all went home to enjoy the rest of College Football Saturday. We're teaching our girl to L.O.V.E. college football from an early age:

(Look at those cheeks!!)
All that partying and football watching took its toll, though, and our girl pooped out from all the excitement:

We all had a great day, and looking back, Mommy and Daddy probably could have benefitted from a nap, too :)
Hope everyone had a good Labor Day. Hubby and I actually had a full holiday together, so we spent the day grocery shopping and cleaning house. We've turned into the old married couple :) No fear. We completed all of those things in time to be seated in front of the TV for college football. This is definitely our coach-potato time of year :)
P.S. Did y'all see the Florida State / Miami game?!!! Hooo-wee what a game! Man, I love college football :)