
The 2 Margarets

What a wonderful time Maggie had with her Nina Mary this past weekend! And Mommy, too, of course! It was so great hanging out and talkingtalkingtalking ... plus, ya know, the mani/pedi was FAB-U-LOUS :)

Maggie's baptism went well this weekend, and I'll post pictures as soon as I have all of them on my computer (I left my camera at home that morning and am gathering pictures from other sources ... can you believe I left my camera at home?!!)

Until then, here is Maggie waiting to go to the airport to pick up Mary ...

... and Maggie and her godmother, Nina Mary.

Just in case you're wondering, "Nina" is the Spanish familiar form of godmother, and my godkids here call me "Nina Jennie". I'm definitely Southern enough that Mary had to be called something - Aunt or Miss or whatever - so I borrowed my friend's suggestion for me and applied it to Mary and voila! we have Nina Mary :)