
Let Us Praise Him!

I just want to PRAISE GOD for the birth of a healthy MckMuffin on Wednesday, MckMama's baby with the in utero heart issues. I've been alternately weepy and ecstatic (sometimes at the same time!) over the awesomeness of our God and the healing He has given this child.

Prayers are answered! Miracles do happen!

For those who haven't yet checked out her blog, there's a button on my sidebar or you can click here. It's a beautiful testimony to the power of God and faith and community.

Thank you, Jesus, for the gift of Stellan. We glorify You and know whatever You do is right - we thank you abundantly for Stellan's healing! We praise You for Your goodness and generosity and compassion. Through the intercession of Your mother, Mary, we ask for protection for Stellan as he is monitored over the next few months, and that the miracle of his life continue to glorify You.